5 Plus

5 Plus is an SF Canna exclusive. It was first introduced to retail stores in June 2021. 5 Plus features an array of sharp, gassy terpenes with subtle sweet, cherry undertones. Total terepens are 3.27%. Top terpenes include, Limonene (0.87%), Linalool (0.64%), beta-Myrcene (0.57%), beta-Caryophyllene(0.49%) and A-Terpineol (0.15%).

5 Plus has deep purple hues and tests at 37.62% THC content. 42.77% total Cannabinoids.

5 Plus’s powerful euphoric high stimulates creativity and is great for relief from stress and depression.


Hit the link below to find 5 Plus at one of the California dispensaries that sells SF Canna products.

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